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Choosing the right educational robot can be a challenge. With so many options on the market, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. That’s why we’ve put together this comparison of the mBot Ranger and mBot 2. These two robots are among the best in their category, offering different strengths and features that cater to various needs. But which one will suit your needs best? Let’s explore!

mBot Ranger Overview

The mBot Ranger is a versatile 3-in-1 robot kit designed for beginners and intermediate users. It can be assembled into three different robots: a tank, a racing car, and a self-balancing robot. This flexibility makes it a great choice for those who want to experiment with different types of robots without having to buy multiple kits. The mBot Ranger is powered by the mCore platform, which is based on the Arduino open-source system, making it highly customizable and programmable.

mBot Ranger mBot 2
mBot Ranger

mBot 2 Overview

The mBot 2, also known as the mBot Neo, is an advanced educational robot that builds on the success of the original mBot. It features a more powerful control board, enhanced sensors, and improved connectivity options, making it ideal for users looking to explore robotics in greater depth. The mBot 2 is designed for students who want to advance their skills in coding, robotics, and AI. Its CyberPi controller, which integrates AI and IoT capabilities, sets it apart from other educational robots on the market.

mBot Ranger mBot 2
mBot 2

mBot Ranger Features

The mBot Ranger is packed with features that make it an excellent educational tool. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Three Modes of Assembly: The Ranger can be built into a tank, a racing car, or a self-balancing robot, offering diverse learning experiences.
  • Powerful Motor: The high-speed motor provides ample power for different terrains and tasks.
  • mCore Control Board: Based on Arduino, it allows users to program the Ranger with ease, using both graphical programming and traditional coding.
  • Variety of Sensors: The Ranger includes light, ultrasonic, and line-following sensors, enabling it to perform complex tasks.

mBot 2 Advantages

The mBot 2 offers several advantages over its predecessor and other robots in its class:

  • CyberPi Controller: This powerful controller integrates AI and IoT functions, offering a wide range of programming possibilities.
  • Advanced Sensors: The mBot 2 features more advanced sensors, including a gyroscope and accelerometer, which enhance its capabilities.
  • Wi-Fi Connectivity: The built-in Wi-Fi module allows for easy integration with cloud-based services and remote control.
  • Enhanced Coding Platform: The mBot 2 supports mBlock 5, a graphical programming environment that is both beginner-friendly and powerful enough for advanced users.

Comparison: mBot Ranger vs. mBot 2

When comparing the mBot Ranger and mBot 2, it’s essential to consider what you want to achieve with your robot. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Flexibility: The mBot Ranger offers three distinct modes, making it a great choice for those who want to explore different types of robots. In contrast, the mBot 2 is more focused on advanced robotics and AI.
  • Programming: Both robots can be programmed using graphical interfaces like Scratch. However, the mBot 2 offers more advanced coding options, including Python, thanks to its CyberPi controller.
  • Sensors: The mBot 2 has more advanced sensors compared to the Ranger, making it better suited for complex projects.
  • Connectivity: The mBot 2’s Wi-Fi capabilities allow for cloud integration and remote control, features not available on the Ranger.

Programming and Coding Capabilities

Both the mBot Ranger and mBot 2 are designed to teach coding and programming. The Ranger uses the mBlock platform, which is based on Scratch. This makes it easy for beginners to start coding by snapping together blocks of code.

The mBot 2 also uses mBlock but adds support for Python, a powerful programming language widely used in the tech industry. This makes the mBot 2 more suitable for advanced users who want to deepen their coding skills.

Performance and Versatility

The mBot Ranger is known for its versatility, offering three different configurations. This makes it a great choice for users who want to explore different aspects of robotics. The powerful motor and variety of sensors ensure that the Ranger performs well in a range of tasks, from racing to obstacle avoidance.

The mBot 2, on the other hand, is built for performance. Its advanced sensors and CyberPi controller enable it to perform more complex tasks, such as AI-based projects and IoT applications. If you’re looking for a robot that can grow with your skills, the mBot 2 is the better choice.

Educational Use and Learning Outcomes

Both robots are excellent educational tools, but they cater to slightly different audiences. The mBot Ranger is ideal for younger students or beginners who want to get a broad introduction to robotics and programming. Its graphical programming interface and multiple build options make it accessible and engaging.

The mBot 2 is geared towards more advanced students who are ready to tackle challenging projects. With its support for Python, AI, and IoT, the mBot 2 provides a deeper learning experience that can help students develop skills relevant to future careers in technology.

Pricing and Value for Money

When it comes to pricing, the mBot Ranger is generally more affordable than the mBot 2. This makes it an attractive option for those on a budget or for schools looking to equip classrooms with multiple robots. However, the mBot 2 offers more advanced features, which justifies its higher price point for those looking for a long-term investment in robotics education.

You can find both the mBot Ranger and mBot 2 available for purchase at Promallshop:

Assembly and Setup

The mBot Ranger is designed to be easy to assemble, even for beginners. The instructions are clear, and the modular design means you can switch between the three different modes without too much hassle. This makes it a great choice for younger users or anyone new to robotics.

The mBot 2 is also relatively straightforward to set up, but its advanced features may require more time to fully explore. The inclusion of the CyberPi controller adds an extra layer of complexity, but it also opens up more possibilities for those who are willing to invest the time in learning.


So, which robot suits your needs? If you’re looking for a versatile, beginner-friendly robot that offers a range of experiences, the mBot Ranger is a fantastic choice. It’s affordable, easy to assemble, and provides a solid introduction to robotics and programming.

On the other hand, if you’re ready to take your skills to the next level, the mBot 2 is the way to go. With its advanced sensors, powerful controller, and support for AI and IoT, the mBot 2 offers a deeper, more challenging learning experience that can grow with you.

Both robots are excellent educational tools, and the right choice depends on your needs, experience level, and goals.


The mBot Ranger is generally better for beginners due to its simpler assembly, lower price, and accessible programming interface.

Yes, the mBot 2 is an excellent choice for classrooms, especially for students who are ready to explore advanced topics like AI and IoT.

The mBot Ranger can typically be assembled in under an hour, depending on the configuration and the user’s experience level.

Yes, the mBot 2 is compatible with a range of Makeblock products, allowing for expanded functionality and more complex projects.

Both the mBot Ranger and mBot 2 can be purchased from Promallshop:

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